For the convenience of users, particularly for the vast majority of experimental scientists, a publicly accessible web-server for HLPpred-Fuse has been established. Moreover, to maximize users' convenience, given below a step-by-step guide on how to use it to get the desired results without the need to through the above mathematical details.
Step 1. Copy the following link to the web browser and you will see its top page of HLPpred-Fuse. Click on the ReadMe button to see a brief introduction about the server
Step 2. Enter the query DNA sequences into the input box at the center . You can also directly upload input file via the Browse button. The input sequences should be in the FASTA format . Examples of FASTA-formatted sequences can be seen below.
Step 3. By clicking on the button submit, you will get the predicted results on the screen of your computer. The first, the second, the third and the fourth column respectively represent serial number, user FASTA ID, HLP or non-HLP and probability of HLP. The final two columns respectively represent high or low activity and probability of high activity
Step 4. Click on the Reset button to clear the query sequences you enter to the input box.
Step 5. Click on the Dataset button to download the datasets (training and independent) used in this paper.