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This is the first predictor for mouse genome. In 4mCpred-EL, we generated 28 probabilistic features based on four different machine learning algorithms (SVM, RF, ERT, & GB) and seven sequence-based feature encodings (Kmer, RFHC, BPF, LPDF, EIIP, DPCP, & TPCP) that cover diverse information, including compositional, physicochemical information, and nucleotide position-specific, etc. Consequently, these probabilistic features inputted SVM, RF, ERT & GB, whose majority vote will be considered as the final estimate. For a given DNA sequence, 4mCpred-EL predicts its calss and probability values.

Paste or upload Mouse DNA sequence below (The maximum sequence length should be 100000 bp)


Sample FASTA sequences




4mCpred-EL: an ensemble learning framework for the prediction of DNA N4-methylcytosine site in the mouse genome (submitted).  
[Please cite this paper if you find 4mCpred-EL useful in your research

Contact: bala@kias.re.kr